Thursday, April 16, 2015

Ziplining & Bungee Jumping

Today we were doing a high ropes course or also known as zip lining. This is my favorite thing ever! I love ziplining so much! We went with a company that was called Eagle Track Zipline. We did a bronze package, that means we were able to do 15 different platforms. I wish I was able to do a lot more, but the rest of my group wanted to do the cheapest option.

This is one of the ziplines, in my left hand I hold onto the rope  connected to the wire and with my right hand I hold onto a bamboo stick which is the brake. The bamboo stick is bent so it fits perfectly around the wire to put the bamboo stick on and hold it tight to brake.

 These were a couple obstacles in the course, these couple look easy (which they were, more then other ones I have done anyways). Except only after 15 platforms everyone was worn out, I could have kept going because I was enjoying it so much! Especially when we were doing activities after ziplining. We were going bungee jumping, having a really good American restaurant and going to the night markets.
One of the obstacles in it was they dropped you down to go to another platform and we were all kind of nervous for it, but it ended up being almost the best one!

This was our group that did the bronze package. One thai women and four of us americans! It has a lot more gear then the other ziplining I have done. In my left hand is the bamboo stick. Also underneath the helmet we needed to wear this hairnet looking thing that covers your hair. It was kind of weird, but I enjoyed being with this group.

Near the end of our trip of ziplining while we were waiting for a ride back down the canyon we stopped by the waterfall right next to the lunch area. Thailand is so pretty especially in the mountain area and pretty much everywhere!
Thailand has three different seasons: dry season, hot season, and rainy season. While we are here we are in the dry season and partly the hot season. I'm guessing if we were here during the rainy season that waterfall would be a lot bigger because in the rainy season I heard it pours everyday nonstop.

Next on our list for the day was bungee jumping. When we got there I wasn't that nervous, but once they put the wraps and rope around my feet I was getting really nervous. They made sure everything was tight and then I needed to hop over to the area they brought you up to fall off of.
The whole way up the crane he was explaining what he was going to tell me when I fall off and the rules of bungee jumping and when he said 3.2.1 bungee I fall off. When he started to count down I don't quite remember him saying bungee and I fell off then I don't really remember in between that time until the rope caught me again. When I fell off I thought, yep I am really doing this, and there is nothing holding me for awhile. It is a lot more then a trust fall!
When I was waiting to come down I kept twisting while hanging upside down, I kind of got dizzy. When I did get untied I noticed that I hit my toe on the way down and my toe bruised and swelled a little bit (I don't exactly know how).
Overall it was a good adrenaline rush and I am really glad I did it, just a bit frightening...haha

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