Thursday, April 2, 2015

Cambodia Countryside

In Cambodia we went on a motorcycle tour to the countryside to learn more about Cambodia. I learned so much about Cambodia during this trip. I noticed that this is still a very developing country and what a lot of people in the countryside are doing for there living.

These are there houses on the countryside, and tons of people live in houses like this. They stay at there house most of the day and work all day. They do the same thing each day so they can make a living. The people living here go into the city very rarely because everything they do, they do on there own.
There are dogs that roam around everywhere (sometimes they are owned by a family), the kids are always playing and are really dirty from the countryside, and everyone else is always at work (or relaxing in a hammock).

This family makes baskets all day, they finish one basket a day, then they bring it into the city and it gets sold. They carve off the outside of the bamboo and use the carved bamboo to weave together a basket. There whole family works together to finish that basket and earn money for there family off of that basket they make.

 This family makes noodles for a living. There whole family works together to make a couple batches  of noodles a day. In this bowl they are making a dough for the noodles and two teenagers are stepping on the log to smash it down, while the mom mixes it. They then bring the noodles over to another table to thin them out into a noodle shape. The next table they bring them to is a boiling hot pot, they cook them in the cylinder that makes the noodle shape. The next table they have the finished cooked noodles in a basket that they need to get sold and bring to the city.

After we visited a couple of families  to see there lifestyle we saw a temple out in the countryside. There was a newer temple outside of the stones, but this was the older part that they built  probably when Angkor Wat was built.

Some children don't go to school at all and help there parents with work all day. Some children go to school in the morning and then come home in the afternoon to help there parents with work. Some children go to school the full day (this is what should be happening, but not everyone follows it) and then come home in the evening and help with more work. They work on one thing until it is finished and then they can play.

On this trip I learned about so much in Cambodia, I had no idea that this country is the way it is. I am so glad I did this tour because I probably would have no idea of the countryside if I didn't do this tour.
We even got to see a pretty sunset on our ride back into the city of Siem Reap.

1 comment:

  1. So interesting; Talina~!!! When you say motorcycles; did you each have a driver and then you rode on the back? What an interesting way to tour; and to see the poverty is sad; but so awesome how they have figured out how to make a living; thanx so for the pics and blog~~
