Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Chiang Mai Zoo & Aquarium

Welcome to the Chiang Mai zoo where it is probably triple the size of the Hogle Zoo. It is also very spread out so we need to walk awhile to the next animal. I was excited to see this zoo because it is a lot different from Utah's zoo and had a lot of different animals.
We also found out a ton of the areas the animals are living in are not very enclosed, the cages are really short or they have no roof on the bird area. Its weird that no animals try to escape.

How do Flamingos stand on one leg, I wish I could balance that long, but they do it to conserve body heat. They're also pink because of there diet that is primarily consists of organisms they eat for example shrimp and algae that is high in pigments. When they lifted there necks all the way and stood up all the way they got really tall.

These hippos were really loving there food, and one of the hippos wouldn't stop eating even though it had a ton of food in its throat/mouth still.

A leopard! It is a very beautiful animal!

We could feed the giraffes too! One person in our group fed the giraffe. The giraffes, ostriches, and zebras were all in the same area.

A very cool flower at the zoo, I enjoyed the look of this flower. :)

They are trying to bring the mammoth back by putting an egg from a mammoth into an elephant and the elephant having a mammoth. Hopefully it works, fingers crossed for them.

Black bears, it looked like the bears were laughing when i took a couple pictures.

The monkeys are protecting there babies, it looks like the monkey on top and the monkeys on the ground got in an argument and are not talking to each other, while they have there arms wrapped around there baby monkeys.

These animals sort of like ostriches, but I don't know what the name of the animal is, when they looked at you it looked like they were questioning you. "What are you thinking?" "Why are you looking at me?" "Are you about to do something?"

The Chiang Mai Aquarium and Zoo were in the same area so we decided to go to both.

The aquarium looked really cool, it was dark and it had a lot of cool looking fish tanks. Like this fish tank was the first one we saw and it was right in the middle with pathways around it.

This was one fish tank, the fish are the worm looking things coming out from the sand. They are very long and odd looking swimming around.

Hello fish, what are you looking at? Time to finish the zoo, bye to the aquarium.

We were exhausted by the end of the zoo day, our feet hurt, but we still had a couple more activities to do before the day ended. It was a very good day at the zoo, I saw a ton and enjoyed it very much. We were going to the temple on top of the mountain of Chiang Mai and joining part of the Songkran Festival water fight.

1 comment:

  1. think i lost my comment twice; this is hard to leave comments on. the mammoth idea is so cool; hope it works~~
