Thursday, April 9, 2015

Railay Beach

Our second day in Krabi we went to Railay Beach, it is one of the most popular beaches in the Krabi area. It is popular for climbing, hikes, and just some relaxation. Mostly for the rocks though! :)

This is the beach area at Railay Beach, it is a bay so you can walk out forever and the water is still not past your waist. I was walking out into the water hoping for it to get deep soon, but it never did. The shallow water goes far, there are also other islands close so it stays shallow. The water was also such a clear blue/greenish color (like in the picture). It is the clearest and warmest ocean water I have been in!

Long boat on the shore in Railay Beach, Krabi. I really like this photo of this long boat!

Long boats that are on the shore, they put a specific area for long boats for park, so a parking lot for boats! :) These boats don't make me motion sick too, yay! So I like these boats for that, there looks, etc. 

This was my first climb I did for the day! It was a 5.8. Parts of it was really easy, but the beginning you needed to lift yourself over a ledge and then there was slick rock in a couple spots. My next climb was harder then this one. I want to try one day to get to a lot harder climbs!

There are such advanced climbing spots here and so much climbing areas here, I wish I was a lot better climber then I am so I could have climbed more! I climbed a 5.8 and a 5.9. 

We were all exhausted after a good climbing! It was Megan's first time and Jess and I have climbed a little bit like this before. The beginning part of the wall is behind us, we needed to climb up the little arch on the wall, the first walls were surprisingly easy!

After a long day it was such a pretty sunset! We were on the boat at the start of the sunset and then we got off right on time to pick up sea shells and watch the sunset at the same time. There were so many seashells on the beach, I loved being at the beach, it is so calming and wonderful!

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