Saturday, April 25, 2015


We went to Laos for one day to renew our visa, Laos doesn't have that much in it except the Buddha park and we never made it to that because we went to eat lunch and we took to long to eat lunch so then the main attraction closed for the day.
Instead, we just explored the city a little bit and got a massage.

This was a building in Laos a couple blocks away from us, I think it was a national museum but we were not allowed to go inside.

Do you think these are big or small statues?... They are really small statues.

In our hostel there was a ton of graffiti everywhere. This was one of the drawing! I find graffiti and drawing on walls really cool when they are everywhere.

We only went to Laos for a day, but it didn't have that much in it so we didn't have to stay long. Its cool now that I have another visa in my passport and some more stamps! :)

1 comment:

  1. So amazing some of the students are so very young; do some stay overnight; with caretaker teachers? Think you mentioned that in the regular school year; that some of the families lived too far away; to bring them every day.
    Those statues did look big; so were they shorter than you? Too bad you didn't get to see a couple of more things in Laos. Wonder if the big door museum was closed or you need special credentials to go in. The doors were beautiful. How did u know where to eat; and how did you know where to get your visa or passport again? i get mixed up which on it is...wonder how often they have to go get one in like china; ever two months for you seems like quite alot....are there American Embassy's you go to; will be fun to see all the different stamps for each prob knew you were going to other countries, right?
