Monday, March 9, 2015

More in Chiang Rai

Another activity we went to in Chiang Rai was a waterfall. It was HUGE! The temperature was actually not blazing hot either, it was actually cool. Chiang Rai is closer to mountains so it makes sense why it is cooler then Phichit, but it felt like there was less humidity too.
The hike to the waterfall was about a mile hike that was down and up hill most of the time. It was nice going on a hike in the mountains! What we were hiking through was a bunch of bamboo and tall trees. It kind of felt like we were in a rain forest. It probably is a rain forest during rainy season most likely (it is hot season right now) because the waterfall still had a strong flow.

The red dot below the waterfall is a person, it shows how big the waterfall is!

Some of the trees, it was a little shady because the big leaves on the trees cover the sun on the hike.

 This is all bamboo, and a lot of our hike looked like this. I have never seen this much bamboo in my life. It was sooo cool, there was bridges, railing, and more made out of bamboo.

The next thing we did was we had lunch at Hungry Wolf, and then went to some gardens with a huge statue on top of the hill. That is common next to Buddhist temples.

 We went to a Singha Park that had a lot of gardens that were in process being set up. The gardens we went to were not finished yet, they just started doing this garden not long ago, only this little part we were standing next too was finished, the rest was just grass and dirt for now.

The last activity we went to before we headed back to Phichit was a Tea Plantation. We didn't even ask for our drivers to take us there, but I am glad we went. Before we rented a van we were going to go on a tour that had a tea plantation as an activity, but we were planning on not going because it was a tour activity, but our drivers took us! It was exciting and it smelled really good. The disappointing part was that we couldn't buy fresh tea leaves there.
This was the whole area of the tea bushes.

1 comment:

  1. Love the photos and narration of Thailand; thanx so for sharing so well~!!
