Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Goodbye Thailand!

My last day in Thailand was on May 4th, 2015. I took off in the morning of May 4th and got there the night of May 4th. It was the perfect extended day because it was May the Fourth be with you! :) I needed to say goodbye to the kids and the school a couple days and now I need to say goodbye to Thailand.

Saying goodbye to the pre-k kids.

Saying Goodbye to the School.

This semester has shaped who I am today. I have grown stronger as a person. I know how to deal with others and relate to people more. I know I have a lot to improve on still, but this semester is the semester that I have improved the most. I found my place in this world! 
I learned that you just need to be yourself to get people to like you, if they still don't like you then they are not seeing the real inside of that person. I don't have to fit in to get people to like me, I can be myself and I always will be. I know the kids I taught enjoyed having me and if they like me that makes the only difference, I guess it makes me know I make a good difference in this world. Kids don't compare themselves to others they just go with the flow, and why as we grow older we start comparing ourselves to others. We look at others and start to realize that we are all very different. We just need find our place in this world without comparing ourselves to others, and that's what I found. 
I found myself!
We also always dwell on our past, but when we look towards the future we find that we have a lot of potential to change. I am a very forgiving person because I try not to look at the past on the person. In these past four months I will look at the positive things that have happened, falling in love with the sweetest kids ever and falling in love with the place I called home for four months.
This four months has been the best! Every morning I woke up and I knew that it was going to be a good day doing something in a different country, whether it be teaching or we are on a vacation. When we taught I woke up every morning excited to see the kids I taught, teaching is hard, but if you love teaching the kids will love learning. One of the kids I taught  always wanted to be the teacher, he came in my class loving it. Sometimes he came in class, sat down and then acted as if he was asleep because he wanted to get my attention. Another student always came in my class, sat down and was out of his chair right away trying to get involved in what I was doing right of way because he loved learning. Another student in one of my classes always came in class and needed to sit right next to me, almost sitting on my lap. If I tried to sit him across from me he refused, he needed to learn right next to me and get involved in everything. All the kids had unconditional love, I will miss them so much!
Everyday I rode my bike into the small town we lived in saying hello to the same people on the side of the rode. Eating similar meals everyday for weeks. Also hanging out with the same five other friends that spoke English I went there with. 
It was a great four months in Thailand and it was hard saying goodbye

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful introspective of how going abroad influenced you~~!!!!
